ZopeEditManager 0.9.1 Released
ZopeEditManager is a fully-native Mac OS X application to allow the use of ExternalEditor links in the Mac environment.
Currently, it's only for Mac OS X 10.3 and later, as it makes use of PyObjC, the Objective-C bridge for Python. Jaguar users can build the application bundle from source with PyObjC and the Developer Tools installed.
You can edit more than one document at a time, and in multiple external editors. By default, TextEdit and Preview are targetted, but these values can be overridden. Included with the distribution is a sample configuration file for use with Macromedia and BBEdit products.
What's New:
Refined GUI
Bug fixes
Right now, only Mozilla allows the designation of an external helper application. However, if you download the ExternalEdit links using Safari, Internet Explorer, Camino, etc, you can drag those files onto ZopeEditManager and still edit files. This will in no way impact the "back to the server" behavior of ZopeEditManager.
Unlike its original cousin, ZopeEditManager has no way to tell when an external editor has finished with a particular document, so to clear the WebDAV locks early, you must explicitly "Finish" a document to clear it up locally, and unlock the document on the server.